Omron HEM7155T Bluetooth B/P Monitor Dual User

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Accuracy is one of the most important requirements in blood pressure monitoring. With IntelliWrap™ 360° accuracy, OMRON's HEM-7155T allows you to get accurate readings effortlessly regardless of the angle the cuff is positioned on the upper arm. Get the same accuracy as you would in your doctor's office! Its Dual User feature allows storage of both you and your loved one's blood pressure. This model comes with Bluetooth connectivity.
Brand Omron
Reference # 182017
Barcode (EAN) 4975479497117
Availability In Stock

Product Features:

•         Bluetooth® Connectivity: iPhone/Android
OMRON connect App Compatible

•         360° IntelliWrap™ Cuff
(Medium to Large - 22 - 42cm)
Regular cuffs may cause inaccurate results when positioned incorrectly, however with the 360° accuracy zone, the IntelliWrap™ Cuff ensures consistent and precise accuracy

•         Intellisense™ Technology
Automatically applies the right amount of pressure for fast, accurate and more comfortable results

•         Dual Users
Allows you and a second user to share the same device

•         Irregular Heartbeat Detection
If an irregular heartbeat is detected, an indicator icon will appear alerting the user to consult with a medical professional

•         2 Users x 60 Measurement Memory Each

•          Average of Last 3 Readings
Exclusive technology displays the average of the last 2 or 3 readings taken within a 10-minute span

•         Hypertension Indicator
Notifies you when blood pressure is outside the normal range according to international guidelines

•         Cuff Wrapping Guide
Guides you to wrap the cuff correctly by indicating ‘OK’

•         Body Movement Detection
Alerts you of any body movements that will affect the blood pressure readings

•         Monitor Pulse

•         Power Source
4 x AA Batteries

•         Storage Case

•         5 Year Standard Warranty
Always read the label and follow the directions for use. For people with high blood pressure. Consult your doctor to evaluate the readings. Check your device periodically for accuracy.
Keep your monitor and other components in the storage case when not in use. Store your monitor and other components in a clean, safe location.
Omron HEM7155T Bluetooth B/P Monitor Dual User

Omron HEM7155T Bluetooth...
